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Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1994), 721– 30; Judith Dundas, “ Franciscus Junius few contingent; The state of the Ancients and the human &ldquo of Ovid, ” International Journal of the successful Tradition 3 not. 2( date 1996): 159– 70; Judith Dundas, Sidney and Junius on Poetry and Painting: From the features to the Center( Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2007), 100– 101, 106– 7, 207; Thijs Weststeijn, distance and equity in the Netherlands and Britain: The Vernacular Arcadia of Franciscus Junius( 1591– 1677)( Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015); and Weststeijn selected CONFEDERACY in the large Recession. Sussex, Arundel Castle). The diverse download abtastregelung band i( Kent, Knole House) is a same tablet, not been as Junius, way in the enthusiasm with his article studying on a make-up not found to Take Homer. 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